Drugs and Alcohol Support Services

drugs and alcohol services yellow

Drugs & Alcohol Support Service

CHART Kirklees drug and alcohol service

Provide a range of treatment, recovery and related supports for local people who are 18+ years). Tel: 01484 353333
Email: Kirklees.Referrals@cgl.org.uk
The Huddersfield and Dewsbury hubs are open Monday-Friday for needle exchange and naloxone.

The Base drug and alcohol service

Provide advice and support for people up to 21 years in Kirklees, as well a provision for parents, carers and professionals who support young people in Kirklees. Tel: 01484 541589
Message on: www.facebook.com/thebasekirklees/
Online chat: www.changegrowlive.org/
Web: www.changegrowlive.org/thebase-kirklees