Lifestyle and better health

Lifestyle and better health green

Lifestyle & Better Health

NHS Better Health

An online range of tools and support to help kickstart a healthier lifestyle,
includes weight loss, getting active and help with recognising diabetes and
how to control and manage it. A free downloadable app is also available.

Kirklees Wellness Service

Supports local people (18+ years) who have or are at risk of long-term
conditions to live healthier, happier lives and feel more able to look after
themselves. The service currently provides 1-1 phone support including
with quitting smoking, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, becoming physically active, for low level mental health issues and around alcohol consumption. Tel: 01484 234095 


Healthier You - National Diabetes Prevention Programme

Find out your risk of Type 2 diabetes

Finding out your risk of Type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes. It could be the most important thing you do today....

By completing this tool, in England you may be eligible for the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.

Leaving Type 2 diabetes untreated can lead to long-term health problems. However, those at risk can get free support to lower their chances of developing it. If you’re black or South Asian and over 25, you need to check your risk level. Head online and use the Diabetes UK risk tool to find out in just a few minutes. Search ‘Know Your Risk’ today.