Social Support

Patient Advise

Social Support Self-Refer Services

Kirklees Community Plus

Work with people of all ages in our communities to achieve positive outcomes and help them to remain independent and in control of their lives. Tel: 01484 225224 Web:

Kirklees Wellness Service

Supports local people (18+ years) who have or are at risk of long-term conditions to live healthier, happier lives and feel more able to look after themselves. The service currently provides 1-1 phone support including with quitting smoking, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, becoming physically active, for low level mental health issues and around alcohol consumption. Tel: 01484 234095 Web:

Kirklees Social Prescribing Service

Work in our communities to support people who are, for example, lonely or isolated, would benefit from support with their mental health, have a long-term condition(s) and/or complex social needs that affect their wellbeing to connect with community groups and other services for practical and emotional support. Tel: 01484 225224.