Support for the elderly

support for elderly grey

Support for the Elderly

Kirklees Community Plus

Work with people of all ages in our communities to achieve positive
outcomes and help them to remain independent and in control of their lives. Tel: 01484 25224

Kirklees Social Prescribing Service

Work in our communities to support people who are, for example, lonely or
isolated, would benefit from support with their mental health, have a long-term condition(s) and/or complex social needs that affect their wellbeing to connect with community groups and other services for practical and emotional support. Contact your GP practice to access the service or call on 01484 225224. 

Gateway to Care

Provide assessments and access to personal care (there may be a charge for care) if you need help to go to the toilet or help with washing and dressing and you have no one to help you (or your carer can’t continue.
Tel: 01484 414933
If your call is outside office hours and urgent please call and you will be transferred to the emergency duty team. Outside office hours please complete the online form to let us know what you need help with and we will contact you within 48 hours:

Kirklees Befriending Service

Kirklees offers a befriending service aiming to reduce loneliness for people 18 and above. 

To enquire about a befriender or to volunteer call 01484 535994. 

Kirklees telephone befriending service flyer.pdf